The most common methods adopted for water treatment are Chlorination, Oxidation by chemicals and aeration. Chlorination is
the Oldest form of Purification and it is Very Economic. But it is highly Corrosive, is reactive to chemicals, resistent to
microbes, unsafe to handle and the important factors are Carcinogenic compounds-THMs. The Oxidation Agents commonly used are
Hyderogen Peroxide,Ozone and Chloride Dioxide. While Hydrogen Peroxide and ozone and unstable and not suitable for pipelines.
Chlorine Dioxide is compratively stable, but difficult to transport. It is explosive also. Phosphates and Nitrates are slow
acting chemicals and not suitable for pipeline.
MICRO2 is a class apart in this field. After years of labarious research and experimentation, our R&D has succeeded
in developing a formulation, that is way ahead of the existing chemicals.
What is MICRO2?
MICRO2 is a Special formulation blend to combat the disease causing bacteria, spores and viruses. It is highly effective
against both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. MICRO2 is a Point-of-use liquid which meets all the water purification
needs and an effective remedy for water borne maladies. Micro2 is a Broad spectrum Biocide, Fungicide and Algaecide and it
is not influenced by temperature and pH.
Environmentally friendly
MICRO2 is non-toxic and Non-hazardous liquid. No extra safety for handling is necessary.
Why it is unique?
MICRO2 has better solubility. The required contact time for MICRO2 is lower.
The kill rate is phenonominal, i.e., 99.9% kill rate within 5 minutes from dosage against disease causing bacteria such
as E.Coli, Staphylococcus and other harmful bacteria. The bactericidal efficiency is relatively unaffected by pH values between
4 and 10.
MICRO2 is clearly superior to chlorine in the destruction of spores, bacteria's, viruses and other pathogen organisms
on an equal residual base (even cryptosporidium and giardia); MICRO2 kills micro-organisms by disruption of the transport
of nutrients across the cell wall, not by disruption of a metabolic process.
A biofilm is a layer of microorganisms contained in a matrix (slime layer), which forms on surfaces in contact with water.
Incorporation of pathogens in biofilms can protect the pathogens from concentrations of biocides that would otherwise kill
or inhibit those organisms freely suspended in water. Biofilms provide a safe haven for organisms like Listeria, E. coli and
legionella where they can reproduce to levels where contamination of products passing through that water becomes inevitable.
The main speciality of MICRO2 is it can destroy the biofilm whereas several other biocides cannot.
Powerful and stable
MICRO2 is more effective than Hydrogen peroxide, Chlorine dioxide gases. MICRO2 is a stable liquid that remains in the
water for a longer duration and be effective over a long period of time. This is not possible with Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide,
ClO2 gases,
MICRO2 is a power packed and efficient formulation and hence very low dosages are sufficient.
MICRO2 does not have any side effects, does not form THMs and other oxidation by-products, does not produce any carcinogenic
reaction products. It does not contain bromine, organic biocides and Silver or any other metals.
Municipal drinking water
Mineral water plants
Packaged drinking water plants
Hospital drinking water supplies
Hotel drinking water supplies
Purification of rivers and canals